Alleva looks like a pussy right now for not saying anything at all. Remains to be seen whether he screws this whole thing up or not, but being viewed as a twat is not a good look for an AD.
I think Alleva saying anything now or before now just makes it worse. I do not see this falling through either at this point. We got all the help we needed from FSU admins smear campaign.
yep that was good enough to push jimbo over the edge if there was any remaining doubt. bush league by moffitt as well. Musta had too much eggnog. alleva looking like a mastermind despite all the weeping and gnashing of teeth. hopefully all the pieces stay in place of the intricate puzzle.
Wait, what? Smear campaign from FSU? I must've missed something somewhere, though I was out most of the day yesterday.
Hadn't heard about FSU admin smearing anyone. It's amazing how so many in the fan base here are going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming. they tried to smear jimbo yesterday releasing those rape allegations.
Santa granted Miami and Nebraska their wish also - lets hope your letter is better wordsmithed than theirs. Your post seems to imply that all that has happened is nothing more than a news report based on idle speculation. And Alleva ignored it because - - well he didn't have anything to do with it. You aren't that naive, and you can't believe I am. The tone and details of Rabalais articles does not say speculation or accidental slip of the tongue. He was given information that Miles need to win or go and expected to report it. The story was initiated by someone on the inside. Then there is the managing expectations part of this. If the Fisher thing works this is likely a quick heal; if its Mullen (who i like, but not as a good choice at this time) he will have a shorter lease and needs to start fast and beat Bama
I'm guessing Moffitt tweeted that because he's bitter that he's about to lose a job that has been secure for nearly two decades. While perusing the rest of his Twitter feed, his son plays football with Ben Miles at Catholic. So, he's losing his job and likely taking up for a friend of his at the same time. After all, these guys are only human.
well that was obvious when it happened and was a clear indication who was moving in for those wondering. pretty bush league either way. something miles would never do. tm sounded drunk in a few posts then deleted them.
No one "officially" knows what's happening behind the scenes. Alleva has left all options on the table, same as Miles to Michigan. If what's happening behind the scenes falls apart then that has the potential to be awkward. Alleva should have planned for Fisher leveraging Free Shoes for a new contract and he should have planned for the blue hairs to lose their nerve once anyone dared question this decision. We shall see how this wraps up, but like y'all have been so want to do with Miles, lets reserve judgement until things play out (I'm not even asking for 4 seasons, just a few days, or possibly months if this drags on).