Great read on Tommy Hodson and his career. He was a great one at LSU and I remember him well.
Funny to hear Mike Patrick and his colleague call him 'Tom Hodson'. How about his most famous game? And not coincidentally, my first game ever in Tiger Stadium. It's kinda weird watching highlights of games knowing your in the stands; especially a game this old.
what game was it when hodson was busted in the mouth and bleeding like a stuck pig. He went right back in.
Know what you mean. I was at both the A&M game and the earthquake game. And you know, I never realized until just now, were that game played today it would not be The Earthquake Game. The clip begins with the Hodson-to-Fuller incompletion two plays before the big play. Freeze it at :17 and you will see it really looks like he gets the left foot down inbounds before the right foot comes down out. Instant replay may very well have overturned that call, and you probably don't get the crowd explosion you got on the 4th down score.
thats right. i couldnt think of it. i also remember an a&m game when a LB hit him and his facemask shattered--the aggies, not hodsons--and the LBs nose was bleeding like crazy and had to be stitched up. hodson never lifted a weight in his life and he had the arms of martin but he was tough.
I remember Hodson's time at LSU very well. I had season tickets for the first time after I finished school in 1982. Hodson was the first LSU signal caller from my area of the state (Bayou Lafourche) in quite a few years. The LSU offense had changed from the veer under Charlie Mac, to the pre-spread days of Jerry Stovall, which was cotinued under Arnsparger. It was nice to throw the ball down the field for a change, and hit the back out of the backfield, something Tommy could do very well. Since Tommy, only Matt Flynn and Matt Mauch were consistant at doing this. And look at the success we had when that was part of the offense. My hope if that Mett will have the accuracy of a Tommy Hodson while having more arm stregnth to complete the big ones.
Tommy Hodson to Wendall Davis. Those guys had a knack for knowing what the other was going to do. Made for some exciting football at that time. Props to Tommy for a great LSU career and for being a great example of the character that exists at the university.