that was almost brutal. thank god this pussy of a coach kept punting. no tardo. its just child proof.
Doesn't really matter anyway. I've relegated my hopes to just that, hopes. Alleva will fuck it all up and we'll go the route of UT, UT, Gators, and everyone else before us. In a few years we'll be happy to go to Shreveport for post season.
I think LSU wins out, wins the National Championship, and this team puts 15 players in the NFL. But gets worse every year after until 5 years from now, after back to back 8 win seasons it becomes clear O won the NC with Les's players and O's fired as HC. Meanwhile, Les becomes color commentator, covers LSU in the NC game before moving to Bama next year to become OL coach and recruiting coordinator, where he poaches Louisiana players for the next 5 years. Les ain't ate his last Tiger Stadium grass. Within 3 years every Alabama assistant coach is a fired former HC.