You do understand CC, that because LSU won with Saban's recruits in 2007 they were able to get such a strong recruiting class that eventually propelled them to the 2011 NC game. In reality, Miles went undefeated, won the SEC CG, and went to the NC game with Saban's recruits once removed.
Okay, once more for the slow kids No it wasn't nimwit, the insinuation was that miles won the NC with sabans players. That isn't true, he won with players that were freshman during nicky's last year that never saw the field. I have never claimed that he won it with sabans players and have advocated that it was one of the dumbest arguments ever. Did Stoops win with Blakes players? Did Coaker? errr Davis, Err whatever whoever was the coach at the U, they go through so many. Point is that it is a dumb statement. My point was to show that it was dumb because miles coached for a couple years with recruits that saban left on the team when he bolted. I'm sorry you are too dense to figure that out.
That's correct. And then, just to show the world how awesome he truly is, saban actually beat himself in the 2011 NCG.
Basically we have two camps here. Those that defend Miles record and believe he will keep LSU as a top ten program in the future. We also tend to say let's take a wait and see attitude and while believing in him we do want to see improvement. If we don't see it then it would be time for a change. In the other camp you have fans who believe we have reached our peak and are rolling downhill. Most believe Miles has never been a good coach while some think he has lost his want to be a great coach. These people pretty much as a whole think that Miles is stupid, an embarassment and are praying that Michigan comes calling for Les again so that we can bring in a truely great coach to lead us to our entitlement. We ain't never going to agree with each other unless Miles losses and we all want him fired or he wins another NC. Then we won't debate this again until the year after he wins the championship and losses two games.
I'm pretty sure Les could lead the Tigers to an undefeated NC season and there would still be those who say he is stupid and the Tigers won in spite of him.
Here are some other coaches who just were not getting it done. Look at all the 2 and 3-loss seasons!