Being in Arizona, he's away from the nola crowd he was running with/getting in trouble with. Kind of like Ryan Perrilloux.
I'd like to know what LSU's process is when they have failed drug tests, why isn't there a mentoring program in place, it sounds to me like everything was swept under the rug until he failed a bunch of tests and then they just gave him the boot. That isn't very helpful IMO.
I would think LSU did take step to fix the problem and not just levy punishment or "sweep it under the rug." Addicts or substance abusers oftentimes have to hit their bottom b-4 they're ready to change. It's just the nature of substance abuse and/or addiction. I'd like to think LSU did all they could and TM7 just wasn't ready to change quite yet. It could be a battle he fights all his life.
Also, remember that the NFL doesn't test for pot during the season and it's possible he could go his entire career without being tested. While I do believe he's matured and given up all that stuff, it could be that he's just smarter about it now and only toking in secure situations with responsible teammates or adults.
65 tackles (2nd on team behind a damn good Karlos Dansby from Auburn with 86) 2 interceptions, 1 forced fumble, 1 sack. Not bad for a rookie who was supposed to implode already.
He's got some absurd number of possible tests stipulated in his as many as 100 or something like that. I'd say if he wins DROY and then keeps progressing into a DPOY type player, he'll be able to smoke all the Arizona hybrid bud he can get his badger hands on. But hopefully he won't go back to that place. I'm not hard on pot-smokers at all, but some folks just don't need to do it. He might be one.
Far from it, LSU has one of the better programs in college football. I've seen the "Breakfast Club" in action.
Pardon the interruption on ESPN 2 fixing to talk about TM....FYI Two years ago today, TM took over the SECCG against uga. Also talked about Zona getting a steal in the draft with Him