This is a tough issue, no doubt. As a white male, I can't completely put myself in TJ's shoes; however, I do understand where he is coming from. From what I understand, O could have handled these issues better at the time. None of us are in the locker room and we really don't what know what's going on. That said, from all appearances, any reports or speculation that O lost the team because of issues of race seem to be off base. The team played hard after the Bama debacle and finished the year on a positive note when it easily could have mailed it in. I would like to think O and the coaching staff had something to do with motivating the team to play with pride.
Their are white racist people for sure. But where does it say that blacks, asians, hispanics, arabs, Israel's, etc etc arnt racist too. You dnt think some Black mothers and fathers are pissed when their sons and daughters bring home a white person to marry. Everyone can be a racist. I would rather judge everyone by what is in their heart. My boss is black and i love the guy. His boss is black and i dont know him that well but he seems great too . Why does it have to be color of skin and not quality of character. I didnt vote for Obama but i think he is a good man and if i were to know him would be someone i could be friends with. Too much hate from everywhere. It goes back thousands of years in some cases. Just look at Israel and the arab countries. Some people just cant let go of the past and move on.
All good but Obama was the most divisive POTUS in our lifetime. If I didn't know what a racist divisive America hating sum bitch he is yes I could be friends with him too he seems pretty cool and drinks beer.
Just watched the video. This is a huge steaming pile of feces. TJ's dad IS a racist and a trouble maker. Don't know what's in TJ's heart but his dad is doing him no favors. This won't end well for LSU or TJ cause MJ has proven to be the better QB. So what in that video was racist about O? So because he didn't march with them?Well maybe LSU needs to recruit and play more black players there aren't enough playing, LOL! What a freaking joke!
This TJ fella seems to have an ax to grind and probably needs to stfu. Its people like him that keep this fire burning.
I want to add to my earlier post on this thread. I know TJ personally and he's a good friend of mine. He takes these issues to heart.
Who's the other TJ? Finley is the only one on the team, unless its someone who opted out that I can't think of.