i wave the opinion flag when i say that our record is definitely better than we are. not taking away from the accomplishments of this team but we can only play who's on the schedule. i watch teams like pitt and UNC play and we would be disemboweled by those teams. i love watching our guys play and would hope that they would hang with the big boys. xavier was a positive when you figure we were in the game for much of it, but i'm afraid many of our games against top flight comp would go the way of the utah game, especially if those teams are strong in the post.
I was listening to Jordy Hultberg's talk show after the MSU game, and someone brought up this thought of the team being tired for the next game because of the away game and double overtime. His thoughts were basically that these guys are in their prime, will have 3 days of rest, and have no reason to get tired playing two games a week. At least three guys on this roster expect to be playing on the next level. Think about how much the NBA plays. Usually they have 3 or 4 games a week, two of them on the road, and the games are 8 minutes longer.
While I don't buy the "tired Team" crap, I think it woul be best if we only win one game in the SEC Tourney. We could use the extra days for the aches and pains.