Tiny hands orange mushroom dick found ineligible to run for the presidency

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Rex, Dec 20, 2023.

  1. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    by the Supreme Court of Colorado.

    By the clear wording of the Fourteenth Amendment they, of course, got it right PROVIDED that trump actually engaged in an insurrection.

    He did, of course, as stated by the majority on that Court, and even the dissenters didn't dispute that finding.


    This decision will be quickly appealed to the US Supreme Court who will reverse the ruling. That won't be because there wasn't an insurrection. The US Supremes will agree that it was. But what they will rule is that trump has not been afforded due process to defend himself from the charge of engaging in it because his indictments on the matter have not been convicted.

    Which will be a curious thing, inasmuch as trump has tried so hard to delay his trials.

    Nevertheless, the USSC could and MIGHT affirm the Colorado decision, which would be binding all across the country and would keep trump off the ballots everywhere... i.e. he would be constitutionally prohibited from holding office. And they might affirm for the following reasons:

    - allowing a traitor against our Constitution to take office would effectively mean a dictatorship, under which a "supreme court" has no actual power. They would essentially be neutering themselves.
    - as it stands they have lifetime appointments and have nothing to fear from trump retribution. Even though three of them were appointed by trump none of them are beholden to him.
    - Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have already held in previous rulings and legal submissions that trump's type of behavior can not be tolerated if we're going to retain a democracy.
    - trump has a really bad stench. Shit, piss, and sweat. Like a neglected nursing home resident with hair dye chemicals added in. One congressperson describes being around him as needing a gas mask. The possibility of having to be near him in Washington might be too great a risk.

    So, the US Supreme Court will be weighing on this in pretty short order, inasmuch as the Colorado primary must be finalized by January 6. Let's see how it goes... will the sworn "originalists" make excuses?
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023
  2. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Colorado is for stupid faggots.

    Also. It’s quite humorous you take time out of your day to imagine what Trump smells like. Quite telling of your inner workings. Something a stupid little faggot would do honestly.
  3. mctiger

    mctiger RIP, and thanks for the music Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    No Republican has a chance to win Colorado anyway, unless they promise to legalize smoking dope and killing babies in the womb nationwide.
  4. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Yep let’s leave state supreme courts to decide who gets to run for president.

    that is going to work out well. No future issues I’m sure.
    shane0911 and LSUpride123 like this.
  5. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    zero chance. less than zero. even the 100% dem Colorado supreme court only got this through 4-3. 3 of the dem justices opposed it because they realize the obvious, that trump has not been convicted of, or even accused of, insurrection.

    repeat, trump has not even been accused of insurrection. you cant just make up and say something with no legal validity. you cant just say someone is legally liable for something they have never even been accused of.

    its like if I go to your house and stop you from voting because you are a felon, because I said so, even if you have never been even accused of a felony. you have to actually accuse a person and convict a person of a crime before treating them as a person legally guilty of that crime.

    this is TDS on the part of these justices, and is going nowhere and will just make trump voters more enthusiastic.
  6. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    jamie raskin et al are making the claim that this is similar to if a person were running for president at age 25, and would be automatically ineligible.

    this is very stupid. I have a document in my pocket that says my age. its legally valid. I have a passport and a birth certificate all of which make a valid legal claim about my age. i have effectively been found guilty of being born on my birthday with documentation. trump has not even been accused of insurrection. its just a made up claim!
  7. Rex

    Rex Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I don't imagine that. I'm just passing along information provided by credible witnesses. And other witnesses have called him the stupidest student he ever encountered, the stupidest politician he ever encountered, etc., etc. He's just not presidential material, aside from his treason.
  8. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    would it be ok, if like biden, trump declared he will only nominate supreme court justices of a particular race and gender? seems unconstitutional doesn't it? seems like an impeachable offense to expressly rule out people based on their characteristics, even if they are in fact more competent, eh? this the most important possible court? seems impeachable to me. we really need comptetence there.

    is the executive office supposed to uphold our laws? why is the president not upholding out border laws? why is allowing mass immigration to, in the words of NYC mayor, "destroy" our cities? seems impeachable to me. he is sworn to uphold our laws.

    one might note here that my criticisms of Biden here are all 100% policy based, and not "lol he stink like dooodoo"
    LSUpride123 likes this.
  9. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Liberals like the smell of doodoo because they all are faggots and do gay buttsex and god punished them via monkey pox and aids.
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Hitler and Stalin would be proud. Just remove the option to vote. Easy.

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