What was the hip-hop song played on the sound system early in the game? We've heard it just about every game, I'm thinking 1st quarter. My son wants it for his iPod. :rolleye33:
Played by the band or over the loudspeakers? If it was the band, it was probably Neck (full name: Talking out the Side of Your Neck by Cameo). If it was over the loudspeakers, I have no idea.
Over loudspeakers, "piped in". There are lyrics but they usually don't start for a few minutes, usually by the time play resumes and the music is being faded out.
Click on this link and maybe this is it. But it is a rock/hip hop song so maybe not. LSU Football This is "Let it Rock" by Kevin Rudolf
It's a brisk hip-hop piece with a syncopted rhythm, it's been played each home game, I think. Usually mid to late 1st qrtr. That's the best I can do. I recall that the Florida fans really enjoyed it. And my son likes it. There are only 4-5 other tunes that are piped-in over the loudspeakers at certain times, Hell's Bells is of them.
it's not "halftime" by the ying yang twins is it? i wasn't there, i'm just taking a guess. they play it at the saints games.