you notice that miles is the problem but everybody blames alleva yes alleva is stupid but miles he is just plain stupid,and yes he is maxed out he is a dinosaur.
well number one class possible same boring offense same ole dinosaur head coach see any improvement no im off the miles band wagon.
the whole problem is politics in football don't mix get the ass clowns out miles alleva f king bdp promote frank wilson get rid of cammy cam bring in tom herman new o/c give o a raise and send peevto packing and take care of the best recruiter in the country frank wison or he is gonna leave.
then fire cam and miles but the ole diehard miles lovers cried like babies well you got your wish ole t-rex miles is back.
That is a collection of the most idiotic and fantastic posts I've seen in awhile. I don't know what fantasy world you live in but if you got your wish it would be Curly Hallman days at LSU all over again. BTW I'm NOT defending Miles...think he should have been fired, but with what you posted you better go back to the home for some more rest and therapy.