i have noticed some frustration regarding the a2i ratios lately so its time for a math lesson on the a2i. first of all, the most important thing to understand that the "a" and the "i" are not merely based on quantity, but the quality of each of the a and the i. while the a is mostly constant and steady in its quality, the quality of the i may fluctuate wildly, indeed, often to grandiose levels. the i often appears to be greater in number than it is, simply due to the quality of the i, so much so that some of the i in the ratio are known as "super i" (referred to as si for further purposes). for instance, one super i may appear to be multiple i, such as appearing to be 2 i, but in all reality is only one. this is what skews the levels of the a2i, confusing and frustrating people. so in the a2i, it looks something like this.... a x 1 = 1a however... si x 1 = 2i>. (there is also the formula using the sik/k but that one i am still trying to figure out.) note that while in actuality there is only one si, in the ratio it presents itself as two or more. if my math formulas are technically off, please forgive me. not a lot of sleep an only one coffee so far. by the way, my thanks to the mathematician rojo for discovering and bringing the a2i to our attention in the first place. i have just simply been quietly studying it the past few days when i noticed ratios were skewed.
I too am intrigued by the study of photoreactions of charged benzophenone with amphiphiles in micelles and multicomponent aggregates as conformational probes.