So it's official. Tim Tebow is the newest Heisman winner. SEC opponents are going to have one tough game against Florida for the next couple years. I hope he peaked this year! Personally I thought McFadden should have won it, but I guess that's why I don't get a vote.
He's got a lot of heart and has carried his team this year. He deserved it. :tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye:
I would have voted for Mcfadden too, but it's hard to argue with Tebow winning. The kid's the real deal. Last year I thought that he'd never make it to the end of the year, running off tackle like he does, but he's tough, and more than that, he's so hard to square up and get a good shot on him.
It was nice to see the vote wasn't purely a beauty contest. Usually have to be on the hottest team as well. I suppose this crazy year has insured they might have to handle it this way. I always scratched my head how it morphed into this over the years. Will be interesting to see next year if the trend continues in the old fashion.
I think it was pretty even between Tebow and McFadden to be honest. Both had great games against us and both are incredible talents. I'm just happy McFadden is gone because we never got close to stopping him. Ran all over us two years in a row. I think it was a toss up, you could make good arguments for and against both of them.
It is a real shame that the voters decided this year a sophomore is finally deserving to win it. McFadden should have won it last year hands down over the laughable Troy Smith, but he was a sophomore.