Of course. We'll be on campus, and setting up, by 0800. Location will be very close to the Box. We're working out the details on the exact location since most of us are noobs at tailgating for baseball games. Does anyone have any suggestions on a kid friendly spot, with plenty of room, near the Box?
Anywhere across the street in the ticket office/stadium parking lot will have some space. As long as you are not setup on the row next to Nicholson Drive, it will be kid friendly.
Since this is gonna be a go out and find a spot operation anyone that wants to meet up, send me a PM and I will give ya my cell # and you can call on Saturday and find out where we are!
When you need fire power call a marine when you need to find out where you are or where you need to go call the Army!
everything is conspiring against me. the business, tickets, you name it. yall tailgate and down a few for me saturday. i will be there in spirit tho!
Yeah, me too Okie, and I gotta work on Friday too. I reckon the kids at day care are gonna hafta listen to the baseball game with me.:lol: