TigerBait just did an update...

Discussion in 'LSU RECRUITING' started by Soap, Jan 16, 2004.

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  1. timmyt

    timmyt Founding Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Soap I'm sorry, I did mis read your post . Take out foot insert in mouth. To respond to alama. If I were a member of a pay site I would share whatever info I got with the people of this forum. The fact that you wouldnt seems a little selfish and childish to me. once again I appoligize to soap for my idiotic responce to his post .
  2. Pastimer

    Pastimer Founding Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    I guess Brett's "A return to civility" post has pretty much fallen on deaf ears.
  3. timmyt

    timmyt Founding Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    To Vangeaux, You are right I obviously mis read the post, but was not talking "smack". If you or anybody else for that matter said, i am a member of a pay site and they just put out this breaking news but im not gonna tell you what it is because you didnt pay for it is obsurd, I would say that to you or anyone else in person anywhere. I am not talking "Smack" my panties are not in a wad my team just won the NC, Its a good day! with or with out breaking news from TB
  4. phatcat

    phatcat Founding Member

    Apr 15, 2003
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    So much for LSU fans interacting together...

    If I didn't know better, I would guess that this string was on a Tulane board with all of the elitist holier than thou attitudes being represented here. Does it make you effete sissies feel like junior secret agents when you hold your secrets so dearly. Do you feel the same way about disclosing bits of information you have read in your daily newspaper? Do you feel inclined to inquire whether one has yet purchased and read the daily paper before feeling comfortable in initiating a discussion? After all, to use your logic, isn't it stealing from the Manship family to disclose info gleaned from their service to one who has not paid for it? SHEESH, what a bunch of girl scouts.:dis:
  5. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    Alaman hasn't been back since this morning. Maybe he joined one of those 12 step therapy groups to try to overcome his addiction to selfishness. Lets all pray that he makes a complete recovery.
  6. VanGeaux

    VanGeaux Founding Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    Actually Timmyt only the first part of that post was referring to you. The rest was to the people who act like spoiled women.
  7. NOSA

    NOSA Founding Member

    Jun 15, 2003
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    I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but perhaps some don't feel it is right to do because of this:

    Terms of Service

    The material on the Premium Ticket Service is for the private, non-commercial enjoyment of Subscribers only. Any other use is strictly prohibited. Rivals and its publishing partners spend a great deal of time and money to obtain the information appearing on its web sites. Subscribers agree that they will not copy, publish, or in any way make available publicly any news, pictures, interviews, features, or any other information from Rivals web sites, without express written permission from Rivals. Subscribers agree that, should they do so, Rivals reserves the right to cancel their subscription immediately without refund. Additionally, reuse of copyrighted information (pictures, interviews, features, videos, audio, etc.) will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    If you call living up to an agreement having a "holier than thou attitude" perhaps you are the one with the problem.
  8. purpletiger16

    purpletiger16 Founding Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Man, I missed out on most of the pi$$ing contest.:D
  9. TigerLifer3

    TigerLifer3 Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    this thread is getting old, and to think my electricity and Internet bill isn't free that allows me to view this thread isn't free, but yet I can't get recruiting information, I am sooooo sad, Tell rivals to bite my ass, I don't have a subcription but I will report what I see to my fellow Tiger fans, who love LSU just like I do, for your fake holier than thou Tigers you need to find a exit off our asses.
  10. conradj

    conradj Founding Member

    Feb 19, 2003
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    This is the worst thread ever. I saw the topic and thought it would be a good read, but that it is not.
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