there are international custody treaties for a reason. taking off with kids is risky, imo. (could be easily construed as kidnapping.) not to mention, makes her a crap mother, keeping kids from their father.
Whose best interest? International child abduction under the Hague Convention | North America > United States from "The return rate of abducted children varies from country to country. While the US returns approximately 90 percent of the children in Hague cases brought in US courts, Germany's rate of return is particularly low, at about 39 percent" "Although the treaty was intended to deal with the problem of non-custodial fathers' abduction of their children, mothers are now responsible for about 70 percent of abductions. Swedish courts notoriously favor Swedish non-custodial mothers over non-Swedish custodial fathers living outside of Sweden. Here, the gender bias may be compounded by national bias."
I'm going to look for some accommodation here, rather than a fight. Elin seems to care for her kids welfare quite a bit, and she's probably an upstanding woman from what we've seen (although she's private and we haven't seen a lot). Tiger is well healed, with all the money involved, it seems they can work something out. Elin won't have to go take a job, so she'll be free to come and go. I don't think she'd hide out in Sweden to deny Tiger seeing his kids. Now she bought a house in Sweden and is fixing it up. Maybe she can spend summer there while Tiger tours, and when it gets cold over there in Dec-Feb, come to the US and let Tiger have more time with the kids. You know she'll have a house in Fla. and in Sweden. This will get worked out, probably not to the satisfaction of either party though. Divorce with kids involved can be a real hassle.
it certainly isnt as big a deal in this scenario than it often is. i imagine the kids dont see tiger as often as a typical 40hr a wk average joe father sees his kids and with all the money travelling to and from sweden every month is no biggie.
I suspect lawyers for both sides are working on a settlement as I type. It's not if, it's when. I suspect Elin will get custody of the kids but Tiger will get liberal visitation rights. JMO.
Horrible weekend for Tiger. Quits on the final day of the weekend tournament and only hit one fairway before leaving. Says it might be a bulging disk in his neck but I have my doubts because he would know for sure pretty quickly. Wife files for divorce... Top Swing coach, Hank Haney, resigns as his swing coach. Also backed out of the Players Championship.
Bulging what? :grin: Whoops! Golf Channel reporter Win McMurry mixes up Tiger Woods' 'bulging disk' with male anatomy