The most important thing is don't be shy. Most of the folks carrying on down there do it just for folks like you. Walk up, introduce yourselves and bring an appetite
And when they rave about the SEC over the PAC- and they will- remind them that #1 Auburn had to kick a FG to beat #2 Oregon by 3. The last 10 years aside, that was a very close game. At least you have THAT much.
My first date with my wife she bought tickets for us to see LSU host Ole Miss in 2006, that's how I knew she was a keeper.
Is that anything like LSU needing Oregon St's kicker, Serna to miss 3 PAT's in 2004 in order to have a 22-21 win?
tirk said we can't say it's okay to blow up the house to kill a mouse. Don't know how it applies here but I love it.