Isn't that a bit hypocritical coming from a guy who has an incomplete, run-on sentence for a handle? How's this? I would never judge one of my employees by the university they from which they graduated. The individual is much more important. What kind of tool hires someone because of the University they attended? Are you willing to put your name and job on the line because of the heading across a diploma? I assure you that no one who values their job and is worth their salt will... Your education is no better than what you put into it. I use proper grammer in business, interviews and on resumes. I remove the corncob from my rectum on informal occasions, of which message boards happen to be. Bite me.
You are exactly right. Your resume gets you in the door. Your interviewing skills along with your resume get you the job...
I understand that a message board is an informal setting but if you are going to argue about education, insert the corncob into your rectum. A post about education riddled with grammatical errors does not speak well for your education. Consider yourself bitten. :grin:
I always thought where you recieved your post graduate degree from was more important than from where you recieved your 4 year degree.