Blast from the Past. The first LSU game I can truly remember watching was the '66 Cotton Bowl. Arkansas was #1 or close to it. We beat them 14-7 behind a back named Joe Labruzzo. We weren't a great team, but dammit, we were LSU. We went out and played like TIGERS. You notice I say 'we' because I, as a fan, am a part of the TEAM. 42 years later, nothing has changed. Many of you may remember Cassanova and Jones. And you've certainly heard about Cannon and Jimmy Taylor. But how about Nelson Stokely or Butch Duhe? Trigger Allen anyone? Tommy Morel or John Garlington? Or Trey Prather, a promising freshman quarterback who lost his life in Vietnam. Mike Williams? All I am trying to say is that any young man who decides to become an LSU TIGER, I'm right there with ya, rain or shine. Once you become a Tiger, you become a part of my life. That's why, when I bleed, I bleed PURPLE AND GOLD!