Thanks to Gustav, I can't make it to the game today. Thank God for ESPNC. Looks like the band has moved to the other side of the student section in the end zone? What's up with that?
This was announced earlier this year. It's so the upper decks can hear the band better. It was near impossible to hear the band from the West upper in their old location.
Now nobody hears them very good. They play straight into the south end zone 150 yards away! At least people in the north endzone and east sidelines got to hear Tiger Band before, but we couldn't hear them very well this game. Nothing is going to get them heard in the upper decks. I think they are wasting fine soundpower by blowing into the long end of the field. At least the brass ought to fan out the bells of their horns to cover the sidelines instead of the far-away south end zone who can't hear them very well anyway. I think the band move sucks as far as pleasing the fans. I bet their view of the game sucks, too.
We could hardly hear them in the south endzone under normal conditions, but forget about it when the Appalachian State band was playing.
I've been in 612 in the south end of the West Upper for about 5 years now.... I can't say I agree with you on this one Red... I could hear every note they played. The move made my seats a LOT more enjoyable. I can't speak for everyone else in the stadium though, only where I sit. That won't happen anytime soon.