I done spent hours and hours of breakin down film dat I had clair sunt me. It is so CLEARLY OBVEUS ta me now dat we gonna steam roll the buckeyes like gradma use to roll out dem flours. Here are some tings dat REALLY standed out to me dat dey do dat will be to our HUGE advantage: -After dere Oline gets da splits, da one in da middle puts his hand on da ball and den he snaps it- yep, everytime. -But dat’s not all, once the ball is snapped, dat nickleback- he edda drops back to pass, hands it off, or runs wit it- All advantage LSU. VERY Predictable too. -Oh, a big ting I picked up on is dat dem OSU RB’s look for dat yellow line on the field while dey’re running too, I saw it wit my own two eyes- I even tivod da tape claire sunt me and played it back tree times to be sure. -After da half, OSU likes to switch endzones- pfft, like dat makes a difference to us which one we score in, we own da Dome. -At halftime, dey run in the locker and rest- big deal, we do dat too, dey think dat’s SO SMART. -A HUGE thing I saw was sometimes their quarterback gets even farther back than the normal shotgun and he gets so scared, instead of throwing it or handing it off, he kicks da chit out of it and the other team just runs and picks it up. -Der coach, he likes to wear a sweata, man we gonna turn up da termostat in da dome real high, some buckshots, man, he's gonna be miserable. Dis is gonna be so easy guys, it ain’t even gonna be close- relax and have one a dem bud lites. Maybe summa yall have dat cable and got to see dem sum and have sumpin to add dat I missed- whatchall seen?
Turn UP the temp in the Superdome? BRILLIANT!!! Those BE's will wilt @ about 85 degrees!!! :wave: :wave: :geaux: :geauxtige :geaux: :wave: :wave: tigerb8
Lemme jus say dis tiga, me I likes dey way u don tink dis ting tru. :thumb: I fo one sho do pro shate it, mon ami. an jus fo dey record, dey reason dey swap side at dem half time bell is dem city slickers what runs dem big game know da LSU tigahs will run a groove in dey grass carpet rug if they dont. an to be sho, dat coachin man dey got dem self up der, I tink whut dun happen to his sweata is Glen Dorsey done ripped dem sleeve off it. and how u call dey mascot ??? a buckeye? sha what dat is? I know fo a fac dat Glen dorsey dont even need no twice barrel shoot gun to kill a buck in his eye! I dun got to tinkin what u said bout how u call dey quarterback. if he snap dat ball like dat EVERYTIME SACRE! Glen gonna catch on to dat trick pretty fas fo sho! ya no I almost feels sorry deep down in my heart for dem buck in eyes, ceptin I gots ma lifes savin bet on ma Tigahs ( 10 dolla I borrow from salty ) SO po it on dem buckeyes fo sho ! GEAUX TIGERS!