Why does it have to be "the church?" If I donate to some other charity like the Red Cross or St. Judes Childrens Hospital the people I am helping are part of the Lord's flock too. I give to a no-kill animal shelter. God gave us dogs and cats to be our companions and they are part of his flock too. I coached a church league youth basketball team one season. (Not my chuch) If I place a value on my time on the same pay scale as a Phil Jackson or a Coach K I have given a few million dollars in just that one year. We lost in the league championship game. If we had won would my contribution be even more valuable?
The bible says a lot of things, some not so good depending on the butchered translation. Better to give based on the spirit of compassion/faith than the guilt of dogma. Not saying you are the latter but there are plenty who subscribe.
2 people of different religious sects can take the same bible quote and argue all day long that their churches interpretation is the exact opposite of the other chuches interpretation and is the only true way. If you disagree with me you are a heathen and shalt be cast into the hottest pit in hell for all eternity.
You mean the one that has been rewritten and translated how many times? How do any of us know which one is "the one" Did you know the Epic of Gilgamesh predates the bible by centuries yet sounds a whole lot like the story of Noah? Hmm
Yep given she's part of the antichrist now. Any educated woman would know baseball is a religion. You treat it as such. I've tried all the major religions and most of the minor ones. I've worshipped Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, trees, mushrooms, and Isadora Duncan. I know things. For instance, there are 108 beads in a Catholic rosary and there are 108 stitches in a baseball. When I learned that, I gave Jesus a chance. But it just didn't work out between us. The Lord laid too much guilt on me. I prefer metaphysics to theology. You see, there's no guilt in baseball, and it's never borin'- which makes it like sex. There's never been a ballplayer slept with me who didn't have the best year of his career. Makin' love is like hitting a baseball, you just gotta relax and concentrate. Besides, I'd never sleep with a player hitting under .250, unless he had a lot of RBIs or was a great glove man up the middle. You see, there's a certain amount of life wisdom I give these boys. I can expand their minds. Sometimes when I've got a ballplayer alone, I'll just read Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman to him. And the guys are so sweet, they always stay and listen. Of course, a guy'll listen to anything if he thinks it's foreplay. I make them feel confident, and they make me feel safe - and pretty. Of course, what I give them lasts a lifetime. What they give me lasts 142 games. Sometimes it seems like a bad trade, but bad trades are part of baseball. Now who can forget Frank Robinson for Milt Pappas, for God's sake! It's a long season, and you gotta trust it. I've tried them all, I really have. And the only church that truly feeds the soul day in, day out, is the Church of Baseball.
I suppose the the first bible was written in Hebrew and predates Gutenberg's printed version by at least a thousand years. Only God knows what may have been lost or obfuscated in the many translations by flawed human beings. When I was a kid I wondered why they didn't write bibles in plain English without all those thees and thous and thour shalt nots. Now that they do the plain English versions just seem wrong and not as holy as the Olde English.
Guilt is what makes the whole thing work. It's a genius idea which feeds off the good. If you had no conscience it fails.