Tide used peds prior to bcs nc vs LSU?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TexasTigers, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Doesn't matter. That deer shit is a banned substance. One of the girls on the LSU track team got busted for using a banned substance and the team had to relinquish its title.
  2. tzanghi

    tzanghi Founding Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    I disagree with this. There are a number of drugs/chemicals that can cause a near instant increase in metabolic energy output(e.g., clenbuterol, nicotine). PEDs are often thought of as agents of recovery or growth, but there are a number of drugs that can increase/sustain energy which is crucial for football.

    Edit: I do agree in substance that this won't change who won or should have won that game. I don't think it made enough of a difference to change the outcome.
  3. LSUDieHard

    LSUDieHard Founding Member

    Aug 23, 2001
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    Sounds like Obama's "stern" letters to Iran to halt nuclear production.
  4. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Dec 1, 2008
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    So far, we still have Iran beat. Two nuclear detonations on humanity to zero. Could be working.
  5. TigerSnarl

    TigerSnarl Air Conditioned Gypsy

    Jan 21, 2004
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    Bama players must have run out of the spray after playing us and before the TAM game.
  6. TUSKtimes

    TUSKtimes Riding the Wave

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Christopher Key, the co-owner of antlers are us, sold 20 bottles to LSU players prior to the championship game as well. Les Miles also felt it necessary to send a cease-and-desist letter as well as asking them not to use the likeness of any LSU player on the labeling.
  7. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Which is why I asked if amphetamines are now considered PED's. no steroid or hormone is going to give you instant results.

    TIGRIS PANTHERA Veteran Member

    Nov 8, 2012
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    Alabama won THE END
  9. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    it's actually a huge story. if proven true, Alabama will be stripped of their Jan. 2012 BCS Championship victory. IGF-1 is a banned substance, and by using a banned substance, you become ineligible to compete, and any wins you win with an ineligible athlete are vacated by the NCAA (for example, Alabama recently had to vacate wins because of the textbook scandal, Southern Cal had to vacate wins for Reggie Bush receiving gifts, etc)

    the trick is you have to prove it true. here, you have:

    1) Bama players being filmed with a pen camera. what did the video show? Does it show the players taking possession of the IGF-1? is that enough to make them ineligible players, or do you have to prove they actually ingested it? the guy says he personally witnessed about five Alabama players spray the IGF-1 into their mouths. Is that on the video?

    2) You have a Bama player, Alex Watkins, on youtube video admitting that he took the IGF-1 during during 21-0 BCS title victory, and talking about the boost he got from it. So right there you have a player admitting to it.

    3) You have the guy who sold it to them saying he watched them spray the IGF-1 into their mouths.

    Here's what the original Sports Illustrated article that broke the story said (it will appear in the Feb. 4, 2013 issue of Sports Illustrated):

    Key taped (the gathering) with a pen camera and showed to SI.
    (Key) pulled out a bottle of deer-antler spray (which also comes in pill form). Adrian Hubbard, a linebacker sitting on one of the queen beds, said he already had some, but Key explained its benefits for the others.

    "You're familiar with HGH, correct?" asked Key, referring to human growth hormone. "It's converted in the liver to IGF-1." IGF-1, or -insulin-like growth factor, is a natural, anabolic hormone that stimulates muscle growth. "We have deer that we harvest out of New Zealand," Key said. "Their antlers are the fastest-growing substance on planet Earth . . . because of the high concentration of IGF-1. We've been able to freeze dry that out, extract it, put it in a sublingual spray that you shake for 20 seconds and then spray three [times] under your tongue."
    IGF-1 is also a substance banned by the NCAA and by every major pro league.
    "It should never come up, but I'll go to the grave saying you bought this," Key told them -- and one, linebacker Alex Watkins, six months later gave a video testimonial on YouTube citing the boost he got from the chips, water and deer-antler pills during Bama's 21-0 BCS title victory."

    and here's what ESPN reported today:

    Christopher Key, the SWATS co-owner, told ESPN's Joe Schad on Wednesday he personally witnessed about five Alabama players spray what he sold them into their mouths.

    "I showed them how to use it," Key said.

    Key said about 20 players purchased the spray at a hotel room in New Orleans leading into the BCS national championship game against LSU. And he said he sold about 20 more bottles to players at the apartment of an Alabama player 10 days before the game.
    (Alabama LB Alex) Watkins made a YouTube testimonial for SWATS, and Hubbard was filmed in the hotel room saying he had the deer-antler spray, SI reported.

    actually, ESPN reported today that: "Key said he sold about 20 bottles of deer-antler spray to LSU players before the regular-season meeting with Alabama that year."

    so if proven true, LSU will be stripped of the 9-6 victory over Alabama. but, the trick is that you have to prove it true. Does he have LSU players on tape like he does Bama players? Did an LSU player come out and admit to using it like the Bama player did?
  10. Tiger_fan

    Tiger_fan Veteran Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    regarding NCAA eligibility, it's irrelevant if they actually benefited from the banned substance or not... if you take a banned substance, you become an ineligible player, regardless if you actually benefit from it or not. same as if you accept gifts or payment, participate in gambling activities regarding the game, if you hire an agent, if you're not in good academic standing, etc etc

    but, yes, IGF-1 is just like steroids. you have to take it for a while to get the full effects:

    per CNBC:

    In what might be the most important study done in the United States, a group of scientists took 32 male weight lifters and gave half of them New Zealand Deer Antler Velvet and half of them a placebo for 10 weeks. While the placebo group didn't show any difference in bench or squat tests, those given deer antler velvet saw an increase of 4 percent on the bench press and 10.1 percent on the squat test as compared to the placebo group. The scientists also reported that there was a "significant improvement in aerobic capacity" with the group that was taking deer antler velvet.

    per the NY Times:

    some football players used a substance taken from deer-antler velvet that contains IGF-1. ...
    IGF-1 is “just like giving someone human growth hormone,” said Don Catlin, the former head of U.C.L.A.’s Olympic Analytical Lab, best known for breaking the Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative doping ring. “It goes to the same kinds of receptors and turns them on.”

    but, like i said, regarding NCAA eligibility, it's irrelevant if they actually benefited from taking the banned substance or not...it only matters if they actually took it or not... and that it can be proven

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