Personally I think this is sensationalist media crap and even if true means nothing.. But... Worth a post during boring sports times http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsport...d-substance-before-12-national-title/related/
"Even if true means nothing"...True because the SEC isn't going to let anything happen to their home state darlings. They've proven it many times over. It's probably accurate because like they say in Alabama...if you ain'ts cheatin you ain'ts winnin.
PED's aren't something you can just take and see instant results unless amphetamines are now considered PED's, so it's not like you can snort some roids a few hours before a game and go out and see a huge physical difference.
I think It really is a stupid story.... It's a non story.. Funny that people use deer parts... Soon Tennessee mountain oysters will be banned substance...
I feel fairly confident that something will piss off Saban today and ruin his day, along with tomorrow, and the next day, and the next... Some people are just programmed to be miserable, often bringing others to join in their misery (i.e. his family and others close to him).
I think this sort of blurs the line about what is a PED and what is not. I don't know what the alleged material is here, but IGF-1 from the Ray Lewis case is a normal human growth signaler. If you just drink more milk(or more calories in general), you can raise IGF-1 in the body naturally. Doesn't make it ok that he took it, but it's not on the level of steroids.
The university of Alabama said that the supplement company has twice ignored their cease-and desist letters. The first sent three years ago. The letters were released last night, due to the SI article.