And I'll have a giant TV in my room...I can't even grasp the total profit I would make off 10 tickets....but I'd still rather a LSU national championship any day.
Basically, you are purchasing a marker to buy a ticket to the NC game. The big "if" is if the team you purchase your marker for actually makes it to the game. If your team does not make it then you lose the money that you paid for the marker. If the team you bought the marker for goes to the NC game then you purchase the ticket(s) at face value. From what I gather, there is a pre-determined amount of markers for the game. For example, I bought 6 markers for Oregon to go to the big game at $32 a piece. If Oregon goes (hopefully to play LSU) then I have the right to purchase 6 tickets at their face value. If Oregon does not go to the game then I get no tickets and am out $200. You can also sale your marker, which is what I think is the reasoning behind the high price for the LSU markers. For example, I can sale my 6 markers at $150 a piece and walk away with a little profit but lose my right to the tickets if Oregon goes to the game. However, if Oregon chits the bed and does not go then the guy who bought my markers are screwed out of $900. My goal is to keep 4 tickets and then sell the other 2 online. However, let's say LSU loses and Oregon goes to the game. Then, I will still buy all six tickets and sell them online. That being said, I view it as if I spent $200 bucks on a raffle for the chance to purchase tickets. If Oregon goes to the game then I win. The reasoning behind Oregon is because they have a valid shot of going to the game and their markers were selling for dirt cheap compared to OSU and LSU. You could purchase markers for Ole Miss to go to the game but I think you might be pissing away your money. I hope that helps.
I have $500 in profit in less than 24 hrs on the Ducks. I also hedged (I worked for a hedge fund, its in my blood) and bought 2 on Ohio State at $156. If they beat Michigan that price will skyrocket. Either way looks like my butt has a seat for that game if I choose to go, plus potentially a couple of Gs in profit if Oregon is in. I absolutely love that website. What a brilliant idea.:tigereye:
Have all yall credit cards been charged? I bought 2 Oregon shares a few days ago when they were $32 and my card still has no charge.
Does your credit card company usually take a while to post a charge? Perhaps it's them and not Ticketreserve.