I was stationed at Reese AFB many years ago. SWC football was #1, tornadoes #2 and blowing tumbleweeds #3. It was a relief to get an assignment to Nam and escape the Texas panhandle.
Where do we draw the line? Those kinds of things often tend to get carried away and lead to riots in the streets. No one has mentioned the $100,000.00 fine (I think it is). I say, good. With the cost of tickets theses days, let Aleva cut a check.
When has a college "field rushing" ever led to a riot in the street, huh whiskers? sour puss, party pooper.
Wasn’t it Ole Miss a few years ago where they started a fundraiser after and the fans raised enough money by the following Tuesday to pay the fine and buy new goal posts?
Although it’s not “rioting” They burned shit in East Lansing yesterday. And the game was at Penn State