Wow we are repugnant... My wife and Daughter are LSU fans and often attend games. Never thought my 3 year old Daughter would be referred to as Repugnant. Class article. I stopped reading at that point.
I did not and will not read Finebaum but I probably could have written that article for Finbaum, not that I agree with one word of it but he is too dam predictable. You knew he was going to say this was the beginning of the end for Miles, you knew he was going to rant on the crazy fans burning on Saban, and you knew he was going to discuss the historic nature of Bamas season and how Saban is the lone reason for Bama's success and the recent success of LSU. That is all Finbaum has, really. The guy is a joke but successful because he is good at what he does, get fans pissed and all fired up. Dont go to his site or listen to his show, becuase you should already know what he is going to spout out.
And then... :rofl: What a joke. First, he asks, "Who's your daddy?" after one game, and then rails off the embarrassing list of "skids" Alabama has had over the last several years. Man, this was my first time reading this guy. He really is a joke. And I highly doubt he reads Shakespeare.
Let's see how this man child writes his article when Moo St. sends the Bama Nation into therapy this weekend. Once a tool, always a tool. :insane:
I've been reading and listening to Finebaum for years. Its normally the best place to hear Alabama and Auburn getting railed day in and day out. I also know Finebaum personally and he is NOTHING like his print and on air persona. He is paid to entertain and create controversy. He does it better than most and keeps the pot stirred. Most everything he writes or comments on is with tongue in cheek. Occasionally he will write a serious article but this isnt one of them. The guy is actually brilliant. Very few do what he does better. Dildeaux is a mere child when compared to Finebaum. He has the ratings, circulation and a fat salary from doing this $hit day daily. Dont take it serious.
It's hard to find words for this. About as unprofessional an article as I have read since the last time I read the front page of the New York Times.
He is one of the smartest in the business. Unlike our friend Glenn, Paul knows when to stop picking on a team before he loses his audience. Best in the business imo.