Thoughts of Barry Bonds Breaking Record

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by tygertail, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Per Giants ownership they acted like he was.

    When there were NO OTHER BIDDERS for his services, and he wanted back in,
    for what $$$ HE wanted, the Giants ownership (Magowan, Baer) gave him EXACTLY
    what dude wanted, supposedly over Sabean's wishes. And dude wants back in again
    NEXT YEAR!!!!!

    NLMT, this is what happens when ONE PLAYER runs a team.

    One that has never won a championship, never really acted like a team player,
    one that threw his "buddy" mad jack to take the heat for him (Anderson).

    How can you respect any of that in any way, shape, or form?

    To bring back a guy that's not a team player for way more jack than he deserves
    that cripples the team just to try to put butts in the seats???

    The best part is that Magowan and Baer got what they deserved, a last place TEAM
    with a guy breaking a record that most think is specious at best and criminal at

    I am laughing my @SS off at this point.

    Imagine cheering a "record" for all of 5-10 minutes, then realizing that there's
    no other real reason to even watch this team.

    BTW the Zito signing for the amount of $$$ they threw at him was SHEER GENIUS.

    Enjoy the Barry Bonds All Star Game this year!!!!!!!! :rofl:
  2. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Sabean was put up to this by the idiot Giants ownership.

    And he will probably take the fall at year's end. :dis:
  3. Robidoux87

    Robidoux87 You call that a double?

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Barry Bonds almost single-handedly won the 2002 World Series. Here are his numbers, in boldface because they are so good I have to wonder if he is from outer space -- in addition to the roids.

    .471/.700/1.294 4HR

    Nobody else really showed up offensively, and it's worth mentioning that Dusty Baker is a crazy person.

    Baseball is a team sport, but it also kind of isn't. You don't pass the ball to each other or run plays, and when you're at the bat it's just you and the pitcher. The concept of chemistry is phenomenally overrated in baseball.

    Like him or not, Bonds has done a lot for SFG baseball over the years.
  4. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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    But he didn't.

    The Rocket is gonna do it this year for the Yanks, though.

    ESPECIALLY this year. :rofl:
  5. CalcoTiger

    CalcoTiger Live Long and Prosper IVI

    Mar 4, 2003
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    I think there is a double standard that Barry Bonds is taking the load of heat for.

    Did he take steroids Of coarse he did. But major league baseball knew that Mcguire and Bagwell and Sosa and every other big power hitter was doing the same thing and they chose to look the other way.

    Then Barry Bonds thing comes about and they act like he is the only one. Sure he is guilty but why are you making him the scapegoat when i would guess at least 25 to 40 % of major league players are taking some kind of growth hormones to this day.

    Is the record tainted yes but Barry Bonds was a star before he started taking them but when the Mcguires and everyone else passed him by he gave in and said why shouldnt i take them if other people are and baseball looked the other way.

    I blame baseball more than i do Barry because they looked the other way. Now they are up in arms.

    I think Barry Bonds is a selfish person and player and i am not sure i would ever want him on my team for clubhouse issues.

    But i respect his baseball ability and what he has done for the Giants. And as far as Giants Management they have bungled this team going back to signing Felipe Alou as their manager.

    And the reason the Giants will continue to sign Barry Bonds as long as he wants to be a Giant is because the silent majority owner is a huge Barry friend and supporter and Mcgowan has been told what to do. The Burns family hold the majority interest in the Giants and Mrs. Burns is a big Bonds fan.
  6. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    You mean Buff Bagwell, right? I guess I may have missed it, but I don't recall Jeff being linked to steroids or HGH.

    Say what you will about Barry Bonds. Personally, I hate the guy. But can you even imagine the kind of mental toughness this dude has to have to block out all the negativity (of his own doing) that surrounds him on a daily basis and still perform at the level that he does? Most people; even those used to it, would wilt under the agonizing pressure.
  7. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    And there should be an asterik by the "accomplishment."
  8. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    This Barry stuff pales in comparison to what Maris went through, from what I understand.
    No doubt about it. The whole era is tainted, but only Barry is man enough to be honest with the world -- that he genuinely doesn't give two chits what folks think. Unlike the Three Frauds McGwire, Sosa, and Palmeiro. And that snitch Giambi.
    Which is about as inexplicable as Clemens flying under the 'roid radar too. I'm sure it's got nothing to do with their personality or anything. As with Sosa, the pictures show Bagwell blimping up pretty well.

    Who knows whether Bagwell took stuff, which is really the shame of the whole situation.
  9. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Generally agreed. BB needs nobody's pity, though. He's WELL compensated.

    In fact, further up this thread I said the same thing about the fact that I HATE those other guys.

    None of those guys have somebody rotting in the hole for them, though.

    He is the most egregious suspect. I hate ALL MLB players that use and abuse.
    In fact, I haven't attended a local MLB game in 3 years for that reason.
    I'm not really sure who does and who doesn't any more.
    The fact that I have to now question that p*sses me off.

    He was a great player, HOF before 'roids. I can't understand WHY he felt the need to use them, therefore cheapening his God-given talent and work ethic.

    I said the same thing further up this thread.

    HE is quite possibly one of the worst teammates of all time.
    Check the replay of his 500th HR. NONE of his teammates came out to greet him at home plate. And BB was ALWAYS too good to even pose for the team picture...

    I respect his ability. I don't respect the fact that he's NEVER been a team guy, exhibited poor judgement in using 'roids, then let a friend be hauled off to the hoosegow to cover his sorry @ss. Those traits are reprehensible.

    I hope Mrs. Burns is happy now with BB on her last place TEAM.

    Their goal was to keep BB so they could out butts in the seats, something that should have been easy considering that it is an All Star season at SBC.

    They are now paying the price, suffering as a team because of an individual record.

    Pro sports puts so much of an emphasis on individual players because they move around so much. I prefer college sports because the TEAM is still what matters most.
  10. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Man, you guys should save your passion for LSU. You really care this much about Bonds and the steroid allegations? You say you hate all players that abused, well what about all players that have "cheated" the game? Corked bats, pitchers loading the balls? You think this has not been going on since the inception of the game? Doesn't that taint nearly every team since the game started? If Bonds is guilty, so are dozens of other players and he still excelled in a time when use of this was looked upon with a wink. He is a great player, without exception. Does he exemplify the best teammate or is he well liked by the media or fans? I would say no, but what does that have to do with baseball? Remember a guy named Joey Bell? Ty Cobb was one of the most reviled men of the century, by fans, media, and players and yet it is virtually undisputed that he was the greatest player of all time. Not much of a guy, not much of a family man. Again, so what? If you dislike the guy so much then don't watch him. He isn't worried about what you think.

    As to how other fans treat him in parks, it is very popular to boo this guy, but the majority of away fans still go to see him play. The might boo him at the plate, but when he cracks one across the fence, those same fans cheer for him and will tell their grandkids, "I saw him hit #748." Don't delude yourself, the fans are responsible for every aspect of professional sports by allowing certain behaviors to start or continue. Athletes do what they do, to fulfill our needs.


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