Thoughts of Barry Bonds Breaking Record

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by tygertail, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    A-Fraud? Are you somehow implicating A-Rod in this? And Pujols too? Granted, the presumption is against them, but let's not turn legitimately spectacular players into Brady Anderson here.

    Maris SHOULDN'T be in the HoF. Hell, I'm a lifelong Yankee fan and recognize that. His accomplishment should be noted there (and is) but people know 61 (and Ruth's 60) more than however many Bonds and McGwire hit.

    There should also be a pre-Jackie Robinson asterisk too, but folks don't like talking about that one. It's silly to compare numbers when it's all honkeys on the field, completely ignoring a chunk of the population.

    I'm assuming "the guy a few posts up" isn't me. If you are, I need to proofread my profile. I think you're missing the point on the "who's 4th on the list." That's academic. The point is Aaron's name will always be mentioned among the greats, and that's all that matters IMO.

    Besides, the game changes. Take a look at Bob Gibson for example. The guy threw more complete games PER SEASON for probably 12 years than most TEAMS compile in a five year span. Seriously, it's absurd. Today's relievers are used differently, so they're compiling their own stats. The 300 game winner is a thing of the past, given both 5 man rotations and parity. I don't assert this is the same thing as steroids, but it shows that records are not the be all end all of baseball. If they are, baseball should move away from that.
    :rofl: So true.
  2. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    No! That wasn't my intentions at all. If that's the way it came offf, I do apologize. I just used their names, since among active players, I think they have the most legitimate shot at catching Aaron, and whatever number Bonds ends up with.

    I agree that Maris isn't a hall of famer. But his ONLY real claim to fame was taken from him. First by baseball "punishing" him for a rule they changed (length of season), then by 3 men who in all probability cheated. Now this guy whose name was a part of baseball, is no longer significant. And yes right now, people know, because before '98 it had only been done twice. But 30-40 years from now when kids look at the record books, his name will be so far down, they won't even ask about him.

    Tough call. I understand your position, but the players had no control over this, so I disagree with "penalizing" them.

    I was referring to TigerBait3. Right now yes, we will remember Aaron, because he was in first place for a large chunk of our lives. However, when my future grandkids, look at record books, they won't even see Aaron's name until potentially 4th on the list (Pujols, A-Rod, and Bonds), maybe farther than that. Which is why I asked the youngster who was 4th. Of course he can name Aaron, Ruth and Mays. It's been that way his entire life!

    I agree baseball and its fans put too much emphasis on the records (I'm as quilty as anyone). But baseball is the easiest sport of the big 3 to compare numbers from one generation to the other. If a guy fell asleep 50 years ago at a baseball game, and didn't wake up until tomorrow at a baseball game, he would still be able to follow it without much of a problem.
    If the same thing happened in either basketball or football, he might feel like he's watching a completely different sport.
    1 person likes this.
  3. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    No doubt about it. That's why I think any talk of shortening the season is never going to happen (and I don't think it needs to either.)

    Of course, as to your "completely different sport," if your new pitcher has his way with his infamous and goofy gyro ball, kids will be trying to rename pitches and take credit for inventing old stuff. Nice job Red Sox. Typical Sox, screwing up a good thing for everybody else. :hihi:
  4. Chip82

    Chip82 Founding Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    This has been a race to see which happens first, his joints and hips falling apart from the steroid usage, or hitting 755.

    There are plenty of experts out there that would be more than happy to testify that Bonds was involved with way more than just cream.

    Bonds has been given a free pass on this.

    But at the end of the day, Bonds will break the record because of his CHEATING!

    I simply have no respect for someone who cheats and the phonies that are letting him get away with it.
  5. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    I truly think the gro ball is a myth. The 2 games I've seen him pitch (one in Spring Training, and his first regular season start), he nevr threw it. The announcers kept talking about it, but it never happened. I think it if were a pitch that actually existed, and was as dominant as it is alleged to be, he would have thrown one by now.
  6. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    cheating would imply breaking a rule which, thanks to selig, he did not. thats the sad part of it all. everyone on every level pushes it to the extreme when feeding your children is on the line and for that extra buck.

    do i feel he cheated baseball and know deep down he did? you're damn right but i surely blame the powers that be more than the participants. im embarrassed for them.

    are you as outraged about admitted cheater giambi? why not? or what about the current 500 players on hgh?

    or are you gonna take another stand in 5 years (err 20) when someone breaks cal ripkens record?

    i saw video of the gyro ball years back before diceman came to the US. still looks like a screwball to me. sometimes a cut fastball. he throws it but sparingly.

    his control is the most impressive thing and his ability to throw many diff pitches for a strike working backwards. he will throw a curve on a 3-1 count or a backdoor slider when hitters are used to just the opposite. thats his true ability.

    i wish he would help brad lidge.
  7. macatak911

    macatak911 CRAIG STELTZ = BEAST

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Bonds hit TWO last night!
  8. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Greg Anderson watched them and then turned off the TV and went to bed IN PRISON.
  9. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    i really wish that little canary would sing. he really needs to ask for a raise!
  10. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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    I have a sneaking suspicion that the closer Barry gets, the higher the price will go....:thumb:

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