Hell yeah!!!! Nice to see an LSU fan show up one of the proudest units in the U.S. Army!!! What did the article say? That the best anyone has ever held the "Ready One" position was for 30 minutes? What did the article also say, that this guy denies that he yelled out "All-RIGHT!" -- which is the reason they punished him (in other words, he claims he felt they were punishing him for something he didn't do). Yet, while watching his Tigers in the National Championship, he held the "Ready One" position for the entire first half (almost two hours) before they gave him a break during halftime -- and then they made him hold the "Ready One" position for the rest off the game, until he finally gave out just before the end of the third quarter (almost three hours). Obviously impressed that this guy completely shattered the Army record because of his love for LSU, they let him chill and watch the rest of the game. What an awesome story about how awesome Tiger fans are!!!! Put that guy and his story in the LSU Sports Hall of Fame Museum!!!!! P.S. That's pretty wrong that they wouldn't let him be at the White House when Bush honored the LSU team (hell, the guy deserved that, IMO... I think President and Chief Commander of the Army Bush would agree). But at least they let him be the tour guide for the LSU team when they visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
What the article fails to mention is all of the other additional duties, among them escorting the caskets of those fallen past and present through and too their final resting place in Arlington National Cemetery. That cemetery conducts 5540 buriels a year. One of the few places where our nations colors fly only at half staff.
No doubt those guys are one of the most honorable groups in the history of mankind. Nobody disputes that. But I still believe our LSU boy showed up his specific superior when it came to honor in that specific situation. I'm not cool with seeing someone try to wrong an LSU boy because of his love for LSU, no matter how elite of a group he is part of. We are the Ole War Skull. Where was that commander of his from? USC? We've got the Memorial Tower as the centerpiece of our campus (dedicated to 1,447 Louisianians who died in WW1), as well as the Parade Grounds (to which we added our recent War Memorial, which honors 624 LSU people who were killed or MIA during every conflict since WWI). We have a another war memorial on the grounds on the southside of the Union. LSU has a strong military heritage.
John, let me help you. This kid did alright. Such to the point that his sideline invitation in Tiger Stadium is open ended. His reward then was the oportunity to escort the team. Being beat down and challenged by his peers found his end result. He should have stood in front of that mirror despite the game being played. By being hazed by his unit members he rose to the challenge and in that the punishment IS the reward. He is earning his badge and in that joint, if you are not of the very best pedigree, then walk. His discipline brought his reward and that is everything that he has earned. Believe it that today he is still in front of that mirror, as he should be. No matter his collegiate affiliation, he is still just a member. Perhaps some day one of their leaders. Days like these make no difference: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uhs2Qbu4Zs&feature=related[/media]
Yeah, sorry for the rant. I was just getting all LSU homer. Yes, I'm all for the strict hazing, discipline, etc. that molds our military to be the very best of pedigree. And yes, I do agree that his punishment was a reward, and that he felt the same way.
Getting praise from a President for winning a Nat'l Title is as automatic as being voted #1 in the coach's poll after winning the BCS CG. It is what it is and I would hardly call going through the motions an honor. If anything, this guy's words should ring hollow because he has been anything but sincere and intellectually honest in the past seven years. Why is he going to start now? I'd like to think that our guys don't need the pomp and circumstance of a politically correct media sound byte to cement their status as the best ass kickers in college football.
How sad. I've spent some time in and around the White House and have some good friends who have been at the elbow of Presidents from both sides of the aisle. Regardless of how the media spins it, a photo op with the President of the United States (not the man/woman) in the nation's capital would humble you. Because you would, for just a moment, realize how unique America is in the world and how rare it is to have the ear of the person sitting in that office at that time. If you are ever offered the chance, regardless of who occupies the office, you should NOT pass it up.
So says Monica Lewinsky. But seriously, getting to go to the White House and meet the President (whoever he/she happens to be) would be freaking awesome. At least RP got to do that... maybe he should mention that on his application to McDonald's