No, nobody gives two shits what avatar you use. Nothing wrong with being proud of your team. If you'd just quit being a dick, that would probably suffice.
It doesn't matter how the conversation goes, there is no way Miles can be forced to change his philosophy, if you've listened to him talk, his game plan is perfect and needs no changing, it's execution that's the problem. That's telling if you ask me.
Saban left on his own accord. He wasn't fired. Look, lets say you do your job very well for a few years. Then, due to changes in the landscape of business the methods you have been using no longer work. If you refused to change your methods and kept doing things your way leading to your job performance falling would you expect to keep your job?
Isn't it career progression for a college coach to go to the NFL? Too bad, it happened at LSU's expense, but I didnt blame Saban for taking the job offer.
Yes, he has changed coordinators who he has kept under his thumb to run exactly the same offense year after year. Same as if you hired new assistants in your job but micromanaged their every move.