I don't know, maybe it's just me, but when the Gators (or Tebowers) win, it's because Tim Tebow carried the whole team on his shoulders. You know, blocked for the blocking offensive lineman, or because he threw a pass so perfectly that it was like a heat-seeking smart missle that found his receiver's hands. There is no team effort, and I hope he gives them credit. I think he's good in that system UF works, don't think he'll do so great in the pros, but come on... All the sportswriters and announcers just freaking love him. He could burn a church and it would not be a crime. The headline would read: "Tim Tebow Distributes Heat to Local Neighborhood, Earns Key to Disney World".
"....and Tebow entered the locker room, where The Urban awaited him. And The Urban issued Tebow his Commandments, carved in stone.... I am The Coach Urban. Thou shalt play for no coach beside me. Thou shalt not audible from the play The Urban has called. Honor thy coordinators and position coaches. Remember to keep holy the night before a game. Thou shalt not hold. Thou shalt not commit turnover. Thou shalt not jump offsides. Thou shalt not misdiagnose the opposing defense. Thou shalt not covet thy teammate's girl. Thou shalt not covet thy teammate's equipment, or anything that is assigned to thy teammate. And The Urban spoke to Tebow saying,"Now go out among the athletes of the Southeast, for they have strayed from the true path to the BCS in thine absence, and are working out before the false coaches Miles and Saban and Richt, and even a new coach from the Land of Plenty, who shall be called Kiffin. So Tebow returned to the practice facility and found it as The Meyer had said. The athletes were working out before the false coaches, and signing Letters of Intent to them. And Tebow in his anger smashed the tablet down on the field, and a fiery inferno consumed them all."
Shouldn't his promises be on two tablets and NUMBERED. You are all wrong, he smashed the original set against a golden bulldog idle when he came back down the mountain...:rolleye33: Why are all Timmies best moments, in tears?
He will get the same treatment as that Gator coach that transferred to Illinois. Whats his name?:yelwink2: You are only one half season away from hero to goat!:lol:
I hear that instead of lining up for autographs at fan day, Florida fans will be lining up for the opportunity to give Tebow a BJ.