There are certain things that have to happen for Miles to be sent packing 1. Ticket Sales go down... not just people not showing up 2. Recruiting falls off (LSU is consistently in the top 10) 3. He begins to lose (79% winning percentage) The facts are the W's have been ugly... wait that is an understatement... they have been FUGLY but they are Ws. I have some friends that wish there team was undefeated. As bad as things are right now, the Tigers are 5-0 that may (probably will) change, but as long as we get the Ws Les will remain the coach of our LSU Tigers. :milesmic:
i learned there is not much traffic on the road at 3:30 on sunday morning. i learned that the pitch dark and lack of sleep between 4:30 am and dawn makes driving difficult. i learned that it is a good thing there are no children in the area of my seats in tiger stadium, their poor little ears would have melted with the amount of top of the lungs cursing going on. oh, and i learned that one should never put up a grill while drunk.
I learned that this 2010 Florida team isn't nearly as strong as the last 3 years. We can beat them, especially if our offense has a good or maybe even descent day. Here's to beating the Gators and our Tigers being 6-0. :crystal::geaux::crystal::geaux::crystal:
I think you overestimate how much Alleva cares about fickle fans ranting on the internet or sports disk jockeys bitching. His job is to make money for the Athletic Department and football is making money. Unless those fans stop showing and buying tickets, the AD has to be careful about repalcing him, especially with Les's 10-win average and a crystal football. Why? Because if he can't replace Les with someone that is guaranteed to do better than that, right off the bat, then Alleva himself will be fired quickly thereafter.
Things will calm down if he gets rid of Crowton during the offseason and brings in a high profile OC who can coach quarterbacks. Clock management, in part, should go with the job of the guy who's calling the plays. The big point that I will make in defense of Miles is that, despite his coaching shortcomings, he is second to none as a recruiter. For that reason, I have no problem with Miles being our head coach if he has the right guys doing the actual hands-on coaching under him.