Mancha you don't know the meaning of freedom if Kapernick is allowed and we are not allowed to disagree with his use of it. And I think it is abuse of freedom when you choose to do it at your job and then cry when they in essence fire you. His performance alone got him fired but his protest made sure no on else wanted him. That's freedom too. Abusing it has consequesnces. If you not willing to face what goes with it then don't do it.
I remember the two track guys from USA in the 1968 Olympics when they raised their fists durning National anthem. I didn't agree with them and they faced a tough time when they got back but at least both of them were men and dealt with what came. They knew how people would react but manned up and took it and didn't waiver in their decision. I respect them but like I said didn't agree and that is freedom.