I understand, but fan boards always have threads that will rile people up on rival boards. We've gotten past many of our differences about the Saban/Miles comments, "Nicks recruits", etc, with the local Bammers. Third parties that go around linking between and perhaps causing trouble between two fanbases can prove to be troublemakers. TideFans is stricter than most SEC forums about pot-stirring, but we all have our limits and it is wise to respect the local etiquette.
Appreciate the compliment but I am one of the tidefans NAZI (admin) too and that's all I'm gonna say bout dat. Been a while since I have posted on your good eats board. We have Grillin' & Chillin' forums on our forum. Last summer we had an Iron Chef Tidefans contest, gave away a bunch of prizes from cooking.com and the winnner got a custom embroidered Chef's jacket with his name & 2008 Tidefans Iron Chef Winner in crimson. The judging had a lot of comedy and was fun to do and read. There were no losers just some who haven't won yet.
Actually there is just one Nazi, the rest of the forum is run just fine. I think it is a good football site. Thats why I like it here too -- its not filled with flaming. I found Tidefans because I was researching some grills and found my way to a few of your posts. You do a great job in that forum and really I didnt even read the football stuff, just the cooking.
I've been a member since 2002 and a contributor since Brett started that pay thing, guess I need to re-up again since I noticed I am now called guest. I took a little break from tigerforums when we changed coaches for obvious reasons, that and the site was overrun with AubieTigers who seemed to want to flame away at any Bama fan not that I don't have thick skin I just don't like getting that dirty. Seems with their current situation tigerforums has been purged of most of them. Earle (TIDE-HSV) is really a good guy he just doesn't put up with much crap from anyone. Sometimes he will argue a point back and forth, must be the lawyer in him, I don't. I also hardly ever hold a grudge, I can ban a guy today and shake his hand tomorrow. Has anyone noticed Bamabuzzard was recently made a board NAZI on tidefans? Anyone wanting to talk football is welcome but please, please, please leave the smack talk somewhere else.
True , his new song is, "I went on up...to the Audubon Zoo , and they all axed for U. The barner axed, and the Tiger axed, well they even and cried about U."