Maybe Raymond was not let go, maybe he was pissed that he has been on staff the longest and should have been next in line to get the promotion to "Assistant HC". Instead, Frank Wilson was hired back and received that title. Raymond goes to UF and gets that next bump up promotion for his coaching career. Maybe Raymond was asked to stay and he said, "nah, I gotta do what's best for my career." Raymond may also know Napier well, or Napier was smart to go after a great coach and recruiter and bring him to Florida? I think there are so many moving parts to the puzzle, until Kelly or Raymond says, "i got let go", I'm not sure its reasonable to assume Kelly let him go.
Nice going schmuck, lets get rid of ALL of the ties to in state recruiting, fire the Super Bowl winning alum. What a dumbass. Good going Woody, nice job of wrecking the damn program with your swing for the fence hire.
Seems to me that the air had become rancid in the Orgeron program. I'm going to get blasted for bringing politics onto this particular board, but I'm wondering how much loyalty and affection Orgeron lost by refusing to march for George Floyd and racial injustice, as did Nick Saban.
Bringing in Cooks and to lesser extent Wilson was writing on wall. He would be kept for recruiting only if I had to guess. Not surprised CR took another near lateral offer. Just surprised BK didnt try harder to keep him. I couldn't agree more