I don't consider my self a prepper, although you might. I purchased a chunk of land far enough from civilization that when the shit does the hit the fan I'll be able to see it coming. In the interim, my wife and I are trying to learn every thing we can about living truly off our land. As far when the checks will stop, i don't have the slightest clue. I think it depends on how long the populace can continue to be fooled that you can spend 1 trillion more a year than you take in. do you you believe we can ever pay back the 19 trillion in debt we owe? If not at some point the people loaning the money aren't going to loan us any more. then what does the government do? Print more fake money? So we become Zimbabwe which leads to Haiti. That's not fantasy that's simple economics.
Prepping for a financial collapse is the kooky right wing version of left wing global warming alarmism. Which brings us back to my decade-old theory about how humans needs a self caused doomsday scenario to worry about or they don't feel right. From ruining the garden of Eden, to global warming and doomsday debt.
Martin do you believe we will every pay down the debt to a reasonable level, or better yet is there a debt level that worries you?
Even total financial ruin doesn't mean we go primal lord of the flies on each other and suddenly lose all civility.
When the free stuff stops I'll be glad to give anybody crazy enough to start shit in my hood a free bullet or 3
Even my parents neighborhood where half the people that live there are lsu professors or Ph.D. Engineers? I don't see them going caveman