sonny loco! were gonna beat the duck out of this team! recievers or not! this lsu secondary is one in a million! that old mentality of lsu fans is gone with this bunch! you saw alabama ark right? be careful what you wish for? its happened with this team!
Not gonna happen Williams! After LSU beats their arses badly like Bama did, send him ... Sounds of a Hawg squealing death throes We'll call this porker "Tyler" ... go to 1:45 [ame=""]Lions attack warthog, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania - YouTube[/ame] This is a pack of lions ... nowhere near as badass as a pack of Tigers (a tiger kills a lion everytime) [ame=""]Leopard Kills bull warthog and drags it up a tree efortlessly. - YouTube[/ame] This is a lowly leopard (little kitty cat) tearing up a bull hog and dragging him up a tree ... James Coburn narrates :hihi:
My hog headed cousin will really start to ramp up the bullchit over the next week. I can't wait to start paying him back a little. These arky fans really believe they will win. My cousins main reasoning is that Arkansas , no mater what coach is there, is smarter than lsu and that's why they win. He says that lsu players and coaches can't mentally play with Arkansas. Can you believe that chit. Arkansas I tell you. I'm sure some of you stuck in Arkansas have heard stuff just like this.
Most of them have a 'Join Date' of Fall 2011. And what they contribute looks like it was typed with a phone. Blindfolded.