I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that you are correct here. But, with the exception of Alley, haven't our RB's had trouble holding onto the ball for the past 2-3 years? And we definitely had the dropped-pass syndrome in full effect last year. I don't know what a coach can do to cure that, unfortunately. The guys know they're not supposed to drop or fumble the ball. I know that the trend now with WRs is to catch the ball with their body, rather than their hands. And I think that is a big reason you see so many dropped balls these days. Maybe the coaches could make them work on that. But if they still drop balls in the game, what else can they do?
I can't say that I have had an opportunity of late to see or hear Miles in an interview. I have seen him in some of his more volatile moments, and have heard of nothing this year that approaches past episodes. If the above is true, I feel for Miles. A man has to be himself, his success will never be complete or lasting if he is afraid to "Let 'er Rip!"
One of the well respected and well known key player on the championship team of 2003 once told me he felt Saban has too much power! That kind of surprised me. ________ Medical marijuana
Are they only doing that (catching with body) with JR's throws, as they either are low or too hard to handle in the normal way. Though with limited opportunity, I don't see much of that with Flynn. The drops are to me more of a lack of focus or "good hands", something that is easy to see in Clayton and Devery. Maybe that is where the real talent is. That being said, Buster has been quite good, and Doucet with flashes of greatness (suprahuman catches). I wonder why Doucet has not been used more often as a primary target? Was Bowe JR's favorite target? ________ LovelyWendie
No question about it; great point. I care more about what's beneath the skin. My senses are telling me that he knows football and has his own methodology. I am very curious as to what the players' perception of him is, since they are exposed to both Saban and Miles (since a lot of fans seem to use Saban as the gold standard of excellence). We are all on the outside trying to second guess what's going on. ________ Starcraft 2 Latest Replays
So he is the Queen of LSU, Jimbo is Prime Minister and Pellini is the Chancellor of the Exchequer ? i would rather have a President, with a nice cabinet
My question to you is, if LSU can be ranked #3 in the nation and you'll still complain about them, at what point do you just say, "The hell with it, I might not see an LSU football team acheive this much success again in my lifetime. I better just sit back and enjoy it."?
Very well put. I feel bad for Miles being put in a position with ultrahigh and unrealistic expectations. It is tough for anyone to fill in the void left by Saban. I have to give him credit for having the guts and confidence to step in. I wish him well, and the same for the program. He did pick a good defensive coordinator that now no one is complaining about, nor is anyone complaining about his special teams. That I think IS an achievement. ________ WEED