I imagine it is the Athletic Departments for hauling the football equipment around. They had a different trailor well publisized after the 2003 championship as well.
That is the best job "Trick My Truck" has ever done. Man that is pretty awesome. I thought the previous design was pretty neat, but that is the best. I agree with the previous posters on my favorite part "Have A Nice Day". Such a polite way of saying, go ......... yourself, or at least that is how I take it.
Yeah, they use it to bring all the football equipment (all the pads, boxes, fans) all that cool stuff that stays on the sideline. I would go ahead and said LSU owns it and TAF paid for it. It is always on campus parked around the P-Mac and Tiger Staduim.
Well, if that is correct, and TAF pd for it, that means that most of us pd for it. Give me the keys I want to take my share of rides in it.:grin: