Like myself, tirk makes wise observations. Though the placement of the needle is from a different angle, hot air is released nonetheless.
you basically took the quotes from republican operatives to make your point, but failed to include democratic operatives in your opinion and pinned the conclusion on the author of the article. its simple math, republicans played the obstructionist in the minority and are willing to pass bills now that they have the majority. Republicans are good a messaging and misdirection, you seem to be right inline with this thinking in your intellectual dishonesty on why congress is passing bills now. you seem to forget the government shutdown last year and who the American people blamed for it.
You obviously didn't answer my questions, once again. The article listed Republican opinions. Of course things are better for them since they took the majority. They don't have to obstruct any more. You can't possibly be this naive.
he is not, he is cherry picking and being dishonest in his conclusion under the guise of the author being possibly a liberal journalist.
Oh no you mean you and @red55 never cherry pick or use only liberal sources. BTW Cillizza is anything but a conservative. Thw Washington Post is as balanced a mainstream paper as there is. I stand by the point that congress has worked better under the Rs. Also do you either deny that Harry Reid was an obstruction by not allowing regular order or bringing up house passed legislation. He spent his time as majority leader doing nothing but trying to make Rs look bad ( not that they needed help). You and Red try to put all the blame on the Rs and brush off the real workHarry Reid did fucking things up. If you can't acknowledge that then there is little use debating.
glad you admit to cherry picking and standing by your asinine point. so yes there is little to debating here.
whats typical is your lies in this thread and misinformation, the calling card of many republicans. and lest the personal attack a true republican trait.