@furduknfish @Kal-El012 @kcal Guys, its NOT about the golf. Hell Kyle didn't even play he just drove around in the cart with a handle of scotch. Its ALL about making noise in my backswing or throwing Winston's golf ball into the water when he isn't looking. That type shit is exactly what I expect of this and I'll be disappointed if you 3 don't show up. Every tournament needs a gallery
Well its gonna be in America as long as the lefty bastards don't fuck it off by then. Bring your gun, bring as many as you want, I'll have mine. Bring your fishing gear too
I saw a report on the news about how many in Montegut were still dealing with the effects of Ida. Lots of folks' homes are still uninhabitable. I thought it would be pretty cool if we all put up some cash to help one of these families out. I was thinking $100 a head or something like that. I talked.to @Nutriaitch and he thinks he may have found a family that we could help. Thoughts?