Grape not Grapes!! Guess I should have said nugget, Prides dad smoked a fairway wood from about 125 and hit Kyle right in the back of the head! Hellofa shot if you ask me!
So the size of the melon makes up for the lack of the grape? i see... lol. When I first started reading your last reply I thought you were going to explain that Kyle took the line drive to the nads and that is what the reason was for the 1 grape. Lol
I'm 60 years old and just sitting here laughing about a bunch of dudes discussing my nuts! @kcal , she ended up visiting 43 countries and 6 continents. Not bad for a 21 year old. She's 25 now and will graduate med school in a couple months. That kid lives life!
Wow!! It's obvious you & your wife have done an excellent job of raising your daughter. Please extend to her my best wishes for an outstanding career. I know first hand how important a medical team of professionals are.