It's ok.. Mr. Dorsey put it back up there. Try not to let the bandwagon run over you next time you fall from it.
It's my humble opinion that this thread is the reason we won this game. Or this shirt.. and my dogs lucky sweater thing. Thank you for doubting! :milesmic: My grandmother was laying the voodoo heavy.
I definetly had the WTF look on my face after the Wells run. But then my Razorback fan buddy reminded me that its an early game. And its true LSU always starts a bit slow then they tend to steam roll the next 3 1/2 quarters. This was great game and I hope this silences the ESPN Talking Sh!t Heads. Although after tonight i'm sure Corso will make a case for USC for a split title. :LSU231: :LSU231: :LSU231: :LSU231: :milesmic: :milesmic: :milesmic: :milesmic: :milesmic: :crystal: :crystal: :crystal:
I was pissed after the Wells TD run in the 1st Qtr. Then after the muffed snap I knew it was all nerves. I even saw CLM telling the guys coming of the field "Calm Down". Then believe it or not I felt OK with it. It was like coach was telling us all, we've been here big deal. Few minutes after that one of my "Gator" buddies called and settled me down a bit more, reminding me how the NCG started for them last year, and added that OSU was pretty much out of bullets...boy was he right!