I guess it's all a matter of how we choose to define it. I feel like I'm more prejudiced than racist. To explain, I gravitate towards those who have thing in common with me. To that extent, I know I am. It's not a matter of feeling superior to any others though.
We are all products of where we come from and how we were raised I admit I am prejudiced or racists in my views sometimes. But I try to treat people according to the golden rule no matter the color of their skin. I don't hate any race. But if a bad Chinese driver cuts me off I think all Asians are bad drivers. But I have great Asian friends and can laugh about the stupidity of stereotypes. We would all get along better if we just admit none of us is perfect .
Neaux he fucking changed his name to achmed abul what the fuck ever. He is dead to me. Little bitch didn't stand up for the anthem either. I'd kill him myself.
That's a matter of biology. Just most people are too dishonest to admit it's a human thing. Also I want to start killing all Americans who do shit like this. Is that OK too.
Is anybody here allowed to present their personal political or private views as part of a meeting with customers. People have died for Kapernick right to protest however he likes on his own time. But he is at his job and representing the whole 49er org. and it is wrong. If I did that at my job I would be let go. Their is a double standard at work here. I was thinking of going to see 49er cowboys game but I wont give that bunch of cowards 1 cent of my money.