Dude I pay so much in taxes I support more fatherless white trash and black kids here than you can shake a stick at. If the bus hits them I'm ok with that.
You are a credit to your race. Clearly you have a serious attitude problem as well as a lack of comprehension but that's not my cross to burn, uh, bear.
That's low. You should tip 20% at a minimum and more depending on the service, bill size, food, etc... For example, there's a Thai restaurant that i go to for lunch sometimes and normal bill is about $14.50. I leave a $20. I would be hesitant to tip 38% at Commander's Palace with my wife, but good food and service always gets at least 25%.
https://thedirty.com/gossip/manhattan-beach/who-is-jason-paul-naglich/ @@@@this was today@@@@ i guess he was black by the name listed
If you have ever been outside of a town with a population larger than 20 you know every group has their 10%. Tigers propensity to withhold gratuity is well documented. Same for "No tippin Pippen" Point is they didn't steal those nicknames. Calling a spade a spade is not racist.