Not much for the Justice Bros. to talk about? Nope. Obama mask wearing rodeo clown is already fired. But this man here. His is the voice that is needed: James Johnson, who called police to tell them the trio was hiding in the carpark of the Immanuel Baptist Church about 5pm on Friday, described them in all-too-familiar terms. He called them “troublemakers” and “bullies” with no parental supervision, and said that Edwards had threatened to kill his own son using Facebook. ”They threatened to kill my son because they are in a gang, the Crips, and were trying to get my son in it and I wouldn’t let him do it.,” Johnson explained. “I told him he couldn’t run with those boys. He’s a little terrified.” Police Chief Ford believes that the teens’ wanted “to make a name for themselves” on the streets. Next time the media needs a quote from a black man they need to go to Mr. Johnson not Al and Jesse.
You sure won't see Al or Jesse or the other sycophantic self serving self proclaimed civil rights activists jumping up over this: 2 black youths beat to death a white WWII Veteran: Or this: 3 teens kill Aussie baseball player Or this school bus beating.....3 black on one white..... Where ya at Jesse? Al? Perhaps y'all are just as racist as the Clan or Skinheads.......wish y'all would all get together for a picnic and eradicate each other..... Obama no comments on this either? Shocker.
With all the rage and whining over the Trayvon Martin case you'd think they were all for coming down hard on racial crime.....but they continue to prove they are no different than any other racists. Full of envy and hate.
Jesse is taking a much more subduded approach: “Praying for the family of Chris Lane,” Jackson said Wednesday on Twitter. “This senseless violence is frowned upon and the justice system must prevail.” Big Al absolves his sitting this one out because one of the teens was white: “I protest when I’m called in and when there’s an injustice. The three were arrested, there was nothing to protest. The system worked there, and racial? Not only did the police not say it was racial, one of the three were white,” LOL...the police say it wasn't racial. It wasn't completely racial but the teen hated whites. Sounds like a Hate Crime to me. Obama doesn't have a "that could be my son pulling the trigger" speech prepared. So I guess Jesse and Al are interested in only if the justice system is averted and not the state of the culture?
Where is the race industry on this story? White 89-year old WWII vet beaten to death by two black teens. Buttons
I just wish that Vet was carrying. This country would have two less fatherless, governement dependent pieces of shit.
Jesse's official statement did include a little more than his TWITter on the topic. "“The recent incidents of violence in America most notably the murder of Christopher Lee an aspiring student athlete from Australia in Oklahoma and the attack of a student on a school bus in Florida once again calls each of us to a collectively resist all forms of violence in our society. In particular black on black violence that disproportionately affects every facet of black life in America. These horrific episodes that leave all rationally thinking people appalled and others feeling paralyzed cannot be addressed by our silence and or abdicating our personal responsibility. We urge all persons who believe as we do in the King principle of peace all over the globe to rise to the challenge to pursue and promote peace and its principles. We must learn to live together in peace or we will most assuredly die apart in our own neglect." I guess that would mean even more if he actually realized that it was Christopher Lane....not Christopher Lee.
If you are a designated "leader" of one of the many problems in this country and you derive privilege, power, fame, and most of all money from the existence of that problem; then there is an obvious conflict of interest in declaring the problem solved. I'm not saying they intentionally inflame the issue (although some do) but there is no incentive to declare victory when things get better. The problem can never be "solved", because then you may have to find a real job. The white side of any race incident may not always be wrong but they can never be completely right. Therefore black leaders statements on black on white incidents, such as the Rev Jackson on the Christopher Lane incident, are delivered with emotionless solemnity when compared to a statement on a similar incident with the races flipped. On flip side there is no privilege, power, fame, and or money to be gained from being on the 'white' side of race incidents - on the contrary you are assumed to be closet KKK. The result of all of this is the scream for justice is comparatively muted when whites are victims of race incidents.
Al Sharpton is pretty f'n racist, can't say I blame him or any other civil rights dude from back in the day, but my problem is that MSNBC has given him a platform to spew his garbage.