Ah, that vicious stranglehold! Kids go to college... they learn more... they're exposed to more information and ideas.... they come to know that Republicanism is harmful and stupid. So, gotta keep the kids away from college... even if it's a free full scholarship to Harvard..... wouldn't want our kids to be LIBRULS, now would we? You Republicans are killing this country.
Something VERY important about this bombshell that hasn't been mentioned here yet: the source for this information? Five advisers to the White House. Now, why on Earth would insiders volunteer this information unless they wanted to distance themselves from the perpetrators? I say this is about to snowball... and the Orange PINO and his family are shitting bricks right now.
Learning revisionist history and bad social and political policy is always a terrible idea. Exactly why we have an abundance of little white pussies like Rex ashamed to be white and American
I am absolutely not ashamed to be white or American. I am what white Americans SHOULD BE: moral, ethical, educated, friendly, happy, compassionate, patriotic.