The real issue with the arrests of Mathieu, Jefferson, Hatcher & Bryant

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Dudebro2, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. Dudebro2

    Dudebro2 Veteran Member

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Too me unfortunately the law is the law, even if I don't agree with it. Yes it is a small amount of weed, no I don't think that those 4 young men are gang-banging thugs that are out to rob, rape and murder. But they broke the law and unfortunately when you break the law you have no one to blame but yourself.

    This thread was not started to debate the legality of weed or if those 4 players were set up or it is not a big deal because 30% of all athletes do drugs or anything of that nature. This thread was started because of the "red flag" nature of the incident and the individuals involved. Remember last year when Mathieu was suspended for one game it was Mathieu, Ware and Simon that were involved with the testing positive for the "so called" synthetic weed. With all the issues with Mathieu and "real" weed does anyone really think it was synthetic weed that those 3 used last year. And with this arrest and the individuals involved does LSU have an issue with other players on the team. We don't need distractions of players testing positive for ANY drug use or getting arrested for possession of drugs no matter what the quantity is. To me this is a really big red flag and I hope that the coaches are truly on top of this situation even though it involves former players because this has the potential to create huge issues within the program if this is not an isolated problem with some former players.
  2. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    much ado about nothing
  3. ehusson80

    ehusson80 Founding Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Yes, I absolutely 100% believe it was "synthetic weed." Why? Because they probably thought they could get away with it b/c it wouldn't be tested for. I know b/c I did the same exact thing when I was on probation in 2005 and got away with it for almost 2 years. These former players are now not on any football team and are most likely not being tested, so they went with the real thing. The real thing being much better than the fake stuff by most people's accounts.
  4. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Nothing like the real thing, your theory sounds accurate to me.
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Try to think like a shyster trying to get you off. If you surrender to a warrantless search, let them collect evidence, and admit to owning it, you are essentially cooked. If you tell the cop that he can't enter without a warrant, then he might come in anyway and you will get off in court--case dismissed . . . or . . . the cop will have to contact a judge and convince him that there is evidence enough to get a warrant issued. That takes time. The dope would have disappeared by then (it was a small flushable amount) and possession of a grinder wouldn't even get the attention of the district attorney--no prosecution. Or the judge may say that there is not enough probable cause to get a warrant.

    My point is that Badger is . . .

    1. Stupid for not staying straight until his football career was over, and . . .

    2. Stupid for not knowing his rights and standing up to the police.

    Badger be stupid.
  6. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    No sport, but having had a brush with authorities, having spent time with John Lucas and the benefit of LSU football's orientation, he should know enough. So in this specific case Tyrann be STUPID!
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    These are things I knew when I was sixteen. 20 years old is time to walk like a man.
  8. StaceyO

    StaceyO Football Turns Me On

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Unfortunately, not anymore. There are a bunch of 40-somethings I know that can't support themselves without help from mommy and daddy.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I know, extended teenage lifestyle is getting more common. You can blame most of it on Mom and Dad in the cases I know. One does a adult child no good to protect him from reality. There is a reason that teenagers become difficult to deal with and fight with parents. It is a natural process of cutting the apron strings and assuming control of your life. At some point to gain this control, one must be financially and morally responsible for himself.
  10. col reb

    col reb Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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