The real issue with the arrests of Mathieu, Jefferson, Hatcher & Bryant

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Dudebro2, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. ehusson80

    ehusson80 Founding Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    I agree with everything here, and it's all in the name of money and power. They want to arrest you and put you in jail because even if you're innocent, the justice systems makes money. You have to pay court costs, pay lawyers(the public defender is a joke), pay this fee and that fee. I could write 10 pages on this, but I'll save you all the details. Money and cops feel like they're the boss and if you, God forbid, assert your rights and independance as a free American, most get offended and will arrest you for bs. What really sucks is: in misdemeanor cases, it's your word vs. theirs. Guess who's gonna win that one? I know this is off topic, so I digress...

    In the end, this most certainly spell the end of Tyrann Mathieu's LSU career. I'm still a HUGH fan and I hope he goes on to a Hall of Fame career( except when he plays the Saints, that is, if he's not a Saint.) I don't think weed should be illegal. This may not be a popular statement, but I hope karma comes around and takes a chunk out of those idiot police offer's asses. Do they not have more important things to do than spend what I'm sure is an inordinate amount of time digging through the peronal belongings of a college kid's apartment b/c he/she thinks they smelled weed?? We wonder why voilent crime is so high in this state? Part of the reason is crap like this. Putting time and resources into garbage like this because it makes money. It doesn't make money to put away and investigate murderers and rapists. Makes me sick. O.k., O.K., I said I would stop getting off topic. Sorry...
  2. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    I'm willing to bet about 30% of college athletes do some or have done some "drug". Marijuana especially, people have known for years that marijuana is harmless, more people in this country are for legalization than are on the other side, and just think if we could get all the people they aren't counting because they were too stoned to poll.

    Ok, what if you have a player, who is injured, or like Mark Herzlig (not sure I spelled that right, the Boston College LB that had cancer) and pot could help them, what if Percy Harvin's migraines are relieved with pot, what if sore nicked up players, with strained muscles could get relief with pot, instead they give these kids hydrocodone and addictive pain killers that turn you into an opiate addict.... That's not easy to kick and it can be a real problem, ask Brett Favre. It's all taboo and propaganda by a select group of people who profit and are funded by marijuana being illegal. It's time to start thinking about we the people instead of best interests for big pharma, alcohol, tobacco, private prisons, and all of the agencies that are taxpayer funded doing explicitly what a majority of Americans think we should not be doing. It sucks.
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    To yours and Red's post. Even if he goes JayZ on them and says "no, you don't have a right to search my shit" they will only set up shop outside his appt and wait for the warrant. It isn't like they will just say "Okay Mr. Honey Badger, we will go about our business now and leave you alone". Hell naaah, once they ask that question they are coming in one way or the other. Any attempt for him to try and get it out of the appt would have ended just as badly.
  4. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Yes but he would have easily had time to flush and destroy 18 grams. that's 1 flush.
    gyver likes this.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Just think if it were never there in the first place? You know, because maybe he wanted to have a career in football instead of being the next off the block thug rap dude. 18grams < NFL
    4EvrLSU likes this.
  6. ehusson80

    ehusson80 Founding Member

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Your right. Badger made some terrible decisions and needs substance abuse counseling and, from the looks of it, some life-management lessons. Still, though, when are we as a society gonna stop screwing up people's lives for these bogus victimless "crimes?" This is a free country for f@$& sake! Let people live their own lives and stop being so power hungry and trying to contol EVERYTHING! Wouldn't time be far better spent fighting crimes with actual victims??
    Winston1 likes this.
  7. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    100% agree. However. As it stands, what he did was against the law. You can like it, you can hate it, you can scream and stomp your feet and throw a tantrum like a 2 yr old but it is the law. A law that he knew and said F it, I'm the HB and I'm gonna do what I wanna do and it bit him in his honey badger ass. The point is, if you hate it so much run for office that will afford you the opportunity to CHANGE it. Until it changes it is the law and breaking it will continue to have consequences.
  8. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Why do you call him a thug? If this was Luke Muncie you wouldn't call him a thug.
    TigerTap likes this.
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Because to my knowledge, Luke Muncie has not been in trouble yet. If Luke has repeated run ins with the law and starts hanging with the likes of the albatross aka JJ, then he too will become a thug
  10. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    So then you believe Willie Nelson, David Bowie, Woody Harrelson, etc etc etc are thugs as well?

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