I forget who once said, "The moment that you feel you need to bury your guns is probably the time that you should be digging them up!"
Heard tonight they won't go after the guns right away. They will go after the ammo and ammo manufacturers first. Shut down the ammo supply chain. IF you are so inclined, I would recommend learning how to reload. I haven't in almost 40 years and would have to learn from scratch
Ain't that the trutth. Instead of hiding them, maybe we should just ban together and repeat the awesome Charlton Heston line 'I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands'. There's already an ammo shortage. Not (yet) because the supply chain has been impacted. I think people are just stocking up becaue they're anticipating that its going to happen.
I can see an ammo shortage for a long time to come. When shit hits the fan, and I really think it will it will be important to turn this shit into real life fortnite and just take the shit from the ones that you eliminate!